• 11:00-12:00 - in English

Every sunday we look at Buddhas practical instructions showing how to transform even the most difficult daily life experiences into opportunities for spiritual growth through developing and enhancing minds of universal love, compassion and wisdom.

Learn ancient meditative techniques that have been tried and tested for centuries are brought alive and made relevant to our everyday experiences. Also included is a practical explanation of how we can transform our day-to-day problems – even the most demanding and difficult conditions – into opportunities for personal and spiritual development.

This class is based on the inspiring explanation from Geshe Kelsang reveals in his powerful and far-reaching book ‘How to solve our human problems

Everybody welcome

    • Sundays - 11:00-12:00

    • Teachings & guided meditations in English

    • With Buddhist monk Kelsang Sanglam

    • Drop-in 75 kr

    • Each class is self-containd

    • This class is included in the GP-membership (530 NOK a month) for more info click here

    1. Introduction

    2. A meditation - to make the mind relaxed and clear

    3. The Liberating Prayer is a special prayer to Buddha Shakyamuni, composed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and is recited at the beginning of teachings

    4. Inspiring teaching on the evenings’ topic

    5. Second meditation

    6. Some concluding advice

    7. An opportunity to ask relevant questions

    8. Enjoy some hot drinks together with us and other course participants

Train your mind with Buddhist monk Kelsang Sanglam