❋ Finn en dypere fred

I en travel og aktiv hverdag kan det være vanskelig å finne roen og stillheten som støtter utviklingen av et lykkelig og fredelig sinn. For å finne balansen i livet igjen, trekker noen seg til fredelige og rolige omgivelser i kort tid for å fornye energien og skape støttende omgivelser for indre fred - kort sagt, de drar på retrett.

Fordelene med retrett er ubegrensede og kan vanskelig uttrykkes med ord. Gjennom trening i konsentrasjon vil kroppen og sinnet bli svært smidig og fleksibelt, og vi vil oppleve en dyp indre ro.

Våre retretter passer for alle nivåer av erfaring, inkludert fullstendig nybegynnere, og du trenger ikke å være buddhist for å delta.

❋ Interessert?
Klikk her for å lese alt du trenger å vite om å dra på retrett med oss.

Valdres: Finding Stillness Within
to 9 Jun

Valdres: Finding Stillness Within

  • Away retreat in Valdres

    In our modern fast paced world , faced with the pressures of daily life, it can feel as if we are constantly being pulled in many directions and that we are rarely still.

    On this retreat we can taste for ourself the stillness and joy that naturally come when we apply simple but profound methods for developing our inner peace.

    Gen Dragpa will guide practical, relaxing and inspiring meditations and will also explain how we can carry our experience of inner peace into our everyday life so that we can maintain our inner relaxation and stillness no matter how busy our external circumstances may be. 

    Both those with experience as well as those with little or no experience with meditation are very welcome!

  • Everyone is welcome

    The retreat is suitable for both beginners and people with more experience. You don’t need to identify as Buddhist to join.

    The retreat guided in English

  • In a busy and active everyday life, it can be difficult to find the peace and quiet that supports the development of a happy and peaceful mind. In order to find balance in life again, some retreat to peaceful and quiet surroundings for a short time to renew their energy and create a supportive environment for inner peace - in short, they go on retreat.

    On retreat, we devote time to meditation and reflection. It is a time to become familiar with positive and meaningful thoughts and the deep happiness that comes as a result of this exploration. When we focus our spiritual practice in this way, we begin to discover the natural clarity and spaciousness of the mind. This enables us to easily deepen our meditation practice.

    By practicing the systematic meditation exercises found in Buddhism, we develop inner wisdom, a warm and loving mind and the happiness of inner peace. Through these methods we will eventually achieve enlightenment.

    In short, retreat gives you the time and space to focus your mind on the happy and joyful states we all long for and experience for yourself the enormous benefits that can be gained from meditation practice. By working with your mind in such perfect conditions, the retreat is an ideal way to elevate your spiritual practice and daily life to a new level.

    Why go on retreat?

    The benefits of retreat are limitless and can hardly be expressed in words. Through training in concentration, the body and mind will become very supple and flexible, and we will experience a deep inner peace. Since the exercises are motivated by the desire to benefit both ourselves and others, our love grows and we develop loving thoughts for others.

    During the retreat we learn to understand our own mind and recognize which states of mind lead to happiness and which lead to suffering. Here we find the strength to overcome negative states of mind and to promote positive states of mind.

    When we are on retreat it is a particularly favorable time to receive deep inspiration. If we patiently practice meditation, the mind will gradually become more peaceful, and we will experience a sense of inner peace and contentment.

    As the turmoil of distracting thoughts subsides and our thoughts become quiet, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within.

  • To help us concentrate on our inner practice we will maintain silence in the mornings until lunch. 

    “When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within."

    Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, How to Transform Your Life.

  • During this retreat there also will be plenty of time to relax, or go for walks in the beautiful Mountains around Valdres.

    There will be 5 meditation sessions a day, 4 sessions include an introductory meditation, an short talk and then another guided meditation.

    You will return from this retreat relaxed and refreshed and with the tools to keep a calm(er) mind in your daily life. Why not give yourself (and your friends) the present of a peaceful and joyful mind ?

  • Gen Kelsang Dragpa is a Dutch Buddhist monk, Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Oslo and NKT-IKBU National Spiritual Director for the Nordic region (Norway/Sweden/Denmark/Finland/Iceland). He is a close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche- founder of the New Kadampa Tradition.

    Gen Dragpa ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1993 and has for over 25 years successfully taught and guided meditations extensively as a Resident Teacher in the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, and Norway. Through his study, practice and meditation of modern Kadampa Buddhism over the last thirty years, Gen Dragpa has gained a deep understanding of Buddha's teachings and a down to to earth and practical way of explaining how to integrate Buddha's teachings in our busy modern lives. Gen Dragpa teaches topics relevant to our modern society in a lighthearted manner, and skilfully guides meditations for us to experience a deep feeling of inner peace and contentment

  • There is 1 bedroom with with 150×200 cm bed (for max 2 persons) - sold out,

    1 bedroom with 150×200cm + 90×200 (Familie køyseng) - max 3 persons - will be offered as room for two, (but in case 3 friends joining one person can be added for extra cost 3500,-)

    2x twin room (separate male & female)

    In addition there are 5 extra spaces on this retreat offered without accomodation, you will need to organize your own accomodation and transport from there to the retreat cabin and just join for the sessions and meals.

    If there are enough ppl interrested we might be able to rent another cabin and split the price amongs the participants.

    For more information contact Virya: admin@meditateinoslo.org or
    450 51 928

from NOK 2,500.00
  • Don’t hesitate to contact us:
    + 47 45 05 19 28

  • Time-table


    Supper: 18:00-18:30

    Introduction: 19:30-20:30


    Breakfast - 07:00-8:00

    Session 1 - 08:00 -08:30

    Session 2 - 09:30-10:30

    Session 3 - 11:45-12:45

    Lunch - 13:00-13:30

    Session 4 - 16:30-17:45 (Q&A)

    Supper - 18:00-18:30

    Session 5 - 19:30-20:30


    Breakfast - 07:00-08:00

    Session 1 - 08:00 -08:30

    Last session - 09:30-10:30

    Cleaning & Packing - 10:30-12:00 Final socializing & Departure - 12:00

  • The cabin is very beautiful and modern, places here are limited so please try to book early.

    For those who want to join the retreat but prefer to camp or rent their own accomodation nearby there are many places to choose from.

    Valdres are is well known for its natural beauty so it is perfect for enjoying nature with relaxing walks.

  • Meals and drinks are included. Breakfast and two healthy and nutritious meals are served every day.

    All meals are either vegetarian or vegan, with vegan options when there is a vegetarian dinner.

    There is also a wheat and dairy free option for those with allergies.

    Please state in advance if you require a vegan or wheat-free diet.

    Tell us if you have severe allergies.

  • Please bring your sleeping bag and beddings, towel and basic toiletries.

    More Information is coming.

  • To be announced

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Søsætra: Finding beauty in ourself and others
to 16 Mar

Søsætra: Finding beauty in ourself and others

  • Do join us for our first retreat at the beautiful Søsætra retreatsted at Sørskogbygda (Elverum).

    Gen Kelsang Dragpa will present methods for discovering and appreciating our own inner qualities and potential for real joy and inner peace. By doing this we can let go of the often exaggerated self-critical mind that makes us feel unworthy and ill at ease.

    When we improve our self-confidence and self-worth in a skillful and gentle way, we will be able live our life lightly and with more freedom. Feeling good ourselves it will be much easier to feel good about others and see their good qualities and potential for kindness and happiness.

    We will meditate on the breath to develop a peaceful mind, and on topics such as affectionate love, cherishing love, compassion and wisdom to take home with us a wealth of practical advice that will increase the quality of our daily life.

    Come join us for this uplifting, relaxing and meaningful meditation retreat! 

    There will be five meditation sessions a day and enough time for relaxation, walks and exploring the wonderful nature around retreat place.

    IF YOU WISH TO JOIN JUST FRIDAY-SUNDAY CONTACT VIRYA FOR BOOKING THE ROOM tlf: 450 51 928 or admin@meditateinoslo.org

  • Thursday

    Supper 18:00-18:30

    Introduction 19:30-20:30

    Friday - Saturday

    Breakfast 07:30-9:00

    Session 1 08:00 -08:30
    Session 2 09:30-10:30
    Session 3 11:45-12:45

    Lunch 13:00-13:30

    Session 4 16:30-17:45 (Q&A)

    Supper 18:00-18:30

    Session 5 19:30-20:30


    Breakfast 07:30-9:00

    Session 1 08:00 -08:30
    Session 2 09:30-10:30

    Cleaning & Packing 10:30-12:00 Final socializing & Departure - 12:00

  • Everyone is welcome

    The retreat is suitable for both beginners and people with more experience. You don’t need to identify as Buddhist to join.

    The retreat guided in English

  • In a busy and active everyday life, it can be difficult to find the peace and quiet that supports the development of a happy and peaceful mind. In order to find balance in life again, some retreat to peaceful and quiet surroundings for a short time to renew their energy and create a supportive environment for inner peace - in short, they go on retreat.

    On retreat, we devote time to meditation and reflection. It is a time to become familiar with positive and meaningful thoughts and the deep happiness that comes as a result of this exploration. When we focus our spiritual practice in this way, we begin to discover the natural clarity and spaciousness of the mind. This enables us to easily deepen our meditation practice.

    By practicing the systematic meditation exercises found in Buddhism, we develop inner wisdom, a warm and loving mind and the happiness of inner peace. Through these methods we will eventually achieve enlightenment.

    In short, retreat gives you the time and space to focus your mind on the happy and joyful states we all long for and experience for yourself the enormous benefits that can be gained from meditation practice. By working with your mind in such perfect conditions, the retreat is an ideal way to elevate your spiritual practice and daily life to a new level.

    Why go on retreat?

    The benefits of retreat are limitless and can hardly be expressed in words. Through training in concentration, the body and mind will become very supple and flexible, and we will experience a deep inner peace. Since the exercises are motivated by the desire to benefit both ourselves and others, our love grows and we develop loving thoughts for others.

    During the retreat we learn to understand our own mind and recognize which states of mind lead to happiness and which lead to suffering. Here we find the strength to overcome negative states of mind and to promote positive states of mind.

    When we are on retreat it is a particularly favorable time to receive deep inspiration. If we patiently practice meditation, the mind will gradually become more peaceful, and we will experience a sense of inner peace and contentment.

    As the turmoil of distracting thoughts subsides and our thoughts become quiet, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within.

  • To help us concentrate on our inner practice we will maintain silence in the mornings until lunch. 

    “When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within."

    Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, How to Transform Your Life.

  • During the retreat there is time every day to relax and go for walk or swim in the indoor pool or take a sauna.

    There is a library with books you can borrow to read as well as a bookstore.

    In order to run the course as best as possible, each participant also has one area they choose to help with on a daily basis, with washing up after meals or cleaning the hallway or the like.

  • Gen Kelsang Dragpa is the Resident Teacher at KMC Oslo & National Spiritual Director for the Nordic Region He ordaind as a Kadampa Buddhist monk in 1993 & has for many years given practical & easy to understand teaching to the people of the modern world

  • There are different rooms at the retreat place, for full overview and description please visit: https://www.sosetra.no/

    Price includes room, course fee & food.

    Bed in twin room - 4150,-
    (own bathroom)

    Singel room in cabin - 5450,-
    (small room shared bathroom)

    Singel room in the main house - 5750,-
    (shared bathroom)

    Singel room in barn - 5850,-
    (small room, own bathroom)

    Singel room in barn
    - 6350,-
    (bigger room own bathroom)

from NOK 4,150.00
  • Don’t hasitate to contact us:
    + 47 45 05 19 28

  • Time-table


    Supper 18:00-18:30

    Introduction: 19:30-20:30

    Friday - Saturday

    Breakfast - 07:30-9:00

    Session 1 - 08:00 -08:30
    Session 2 - 09:30-10:30
    Session 3 - 11:45-12:45

    Lunch - 13:00-13:30

    Session 4 - 16:30-17:45 (Q&A)

    Supper - 18:00-18:30

    Session 5 - 19:30-20:30


    Breakfast - 07:30-9:00

    Session 1 - 08:00 -08:30
    Session 2 - 09:30-10:30

    Cleaning & Packing - 10:30-12:00 Final socializing & Departure - 12:00

  • Please visit Søsætra website:

  • Meals and drinks are included. Breakfast and two healthy and nutritious meals are served every day.

    All meals are either vegetarian or vegan, with vegan options when there is a vegetarian dinner.

    There is also a wheat and dairy free option for those with allergies.

    Please state in advance if you require a vegan or wheat-free diet.

    Tell us if you have severe allergies.

  • Toiletries are a good idea to bring, a flashlight is good to bring in seasons where it would be necessary, warm clothes for winter including boots, gloves, hat, woolen socks and lighter clothes for summer.

    Bring a bathing suit as there is swimming pool and sauna. You may also want to wear slippers.

    It may be a good idea to bring some cash to buy snacks, goods from the shop or to pay for pick-up or departure to the bus.

    We have meditation cushions and mats for loan, but you can also bring your own.

    There is a library of Buddhist books you can borrow.

    Course participants can meditate using cushions on the floor or sitting on a chair, you are free to choose what you find most comfortable.

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Meditations for a happy life
to 29 Sept

Meditations for a happy life

  • Retreat with guided meditations in order to develop and maintain a deep inner peace. We will use the practical teachings from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's book, Universal Compassion to recognize the love and compassion we all possess and to increase this so eventually it will include all living beings. With a loving and compassionate mind we will always feel at peace.

    NB: “Last minute” rabatt - bruk koden: LAST10
    (for September retreat gyldig til 27.9.)

    Venerable Geshe-la says in his book How to Transform Your Life: “Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible. We all wish for world peace, but world peace will never be achieved unless we first establish peace within our own minds. ….... Only by creating peace within our own mind and helping others to do the same can we hope to achieve peace in this world.”

    Gullnäsgården is wonderful place by the sea on Tjärnö, in northern Bohuslän near Strömstad, next to the Kosterhavet Marine National Park.

    There will be five meditation sessions a day and enough time for relaxation, walks and exploring the wonderful nature around Gullnåsgarden.

    After this retreat you will feel re-energized and you will be ready to (re)-start loving yourself and others and improve your experience of a happy daily life.

  • Everyone is welcome

    The retreat is suitable for both beginners and people with more experience. You don’t need to identify as Buddhist to join.

    The retreat guided in English

  • In a busy and active everyday life, it can be difficult to find the peace and quiet that supports the development of a happy and peaceful mind. In order to find balance in life again, some retreat to peaceful and quiet surroundings for a short time to renew their energy and create a supportive environment for inner peace - in short, they go on retreat.

    On retreat, we devote time to meditation and reflection. It is a time to become familiar with positive and meaningful thoughts and the deep happiness that comes as a result of this exploration. When we focus our spiritual practice in this way, we begin to discover the natural clarity and spaciousness of the mind. This enables us to easily deepen our meditation practice.

    By practicing the systematic meditation exercises found in Buddhism, we develop inner wisdom, a warm and loving mind and the happiness of inner peace. Through these methods we will eventually achieve enlightenment.

    In short, retreat gives you the time and space to focus your mind on the happy and joyful states we all long for and experience for yourself the enormous benefits that can be gained from meditation practice. By working with your mind in such perfect conditions, the retreat is an ideal way to elevate your spiritual practice and daily life to a new level.

    Why go on retreat?

    The benefits of retreat are limitless and can hardly be expressed in words. Through training in concentration, the body and mind will become very supple and flexible, and we will experience a deep inner peace. Since the exercises are motivated by the desire to benefit both ourselves and others, our love grows and we develop loving thoughts for others.

    During the retreat we learn to understand our own mind and recognize which states of mind lead to happiness and which lead to suffering. Here we find the strength to overcome negative states of mind and to promote positive states of mind.

    When we are on retreat it is a particularly favorable time to receive deep inspiration. If we patiently practice meditation, the mind will gradually become more peaceful, and we will experience a sense of inner peace and contentment.

    As the turmoil of distracting thoughts subsides and our thoughts become quiet, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within.

  • To help us concentrate on our inner practice we will maintain silence in the mornings until lunch. 

    “When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within."

    Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, How to Transform Your Life.

  • During the retreat there is time every day to relax, cycle, canoe or walk in the beautiful forest.

    There is a library with books you can borrow to read as well as a bookstore.

    In order to run the course as best as possible, each participant also has one area they choose to help with on a daily basis, with washing up after meals or cleaning the hallway or the like.

    It is only a 5 minute walk to the nearest swimming at the boathouses where you can swim or watch the amazing sunsets.

    It is a short bike ride to sandy beaches and forest walks such as at Tjärnö church (2 km) and Salto nature reserve (5 km) with views of the Koster Islands and sunsets in the sea right in Koster Marine National Park.

  • Gen Kelsang Dragpa is the Resident Teacher at KMC Oslo & National Spiritual Director for the Nordic Region He ordaind as a Kadampa Buddhist monk in 1993 & has for many years given practical & easy to understand teaching to the people of the modern world

  • We offer a wide range of rooms and cabins at the retreat place, some with their own little kitchen corner, others just with a sink or just basic rooms. The premium rooms have access to the private bathrooms, other rooms share a bathroom in the main house and one additional ground floor of one of the cabins by the meditation room.

    Premium Single - 4500,-
    (new shared cabin or house with bathroom shared with a few others)

    Single room - 3950,-
    (room in either older cabin or main house bathroom shared with everyone)

    Premium Bed in Twin room - 3750,-
    (new shared cabin or house with bathroom shared with a few others)

    Bed in Twin room - 3240,-
    (room in either older cabin or main house bathroom shared with everyone)

    NO accomodation YES food - 2250,-
    (for locals, food included: lunch & dinner, teas&coffee whole day)

    NO accommodation NO food - 1575,-
    (for locals, no food; teas&coffee whole day)

from NOK 1,575.00
  • Don’t hasitate to contact us:
    + 47 45 05 19 28

  • Time-table


    Supper: 18:00-18:30

    Introduction: 19:00-20:00

    Friday - Saturday

    Breakfast - 07:00-9:00

    Session 1 - 08:00 -08:30

    Session 2 - 09:30-10:30

    Session 3 - 11:45-12:45

    Lunch - 13:00-13:30

    Session 4 - 16:30-17:45 (Q&A)

    Supper - 18:00-18:30

    Session 5 - 19:30-20:30


    Breakfast - 07:00-9:00

    Session 1 - 08:00 -08:30

    Last session - 09:30-10:30

    Cleaning & Packing - 10:30-12:00 Final clean & Departure - 12:00

  • Gullnäsgården is in a very scenic setting by the sea and lush greenery on the island of Tjärnö, about 10 km southwest of Stromstad, Sweden in the beautiful Bohuslän archipelago, next to the Kosterhavet Marine National Park. 

    The island is connected to the mainland by road bridges. It is 1.5 hours by car from Oslo. We offer simple and comfortable accommodation in the main house and a number of charming small cottages and converted barns.

    The farm is close to the sea, it is possible to borrow a bicycle, canoe or kayak. It is also possible to enjoy the sauna or swim in the sea. There are also great places where you can just sit and watch the still water or the sunset.

  • We have different types of accommodation. Single rooms with shared facilities, shared rooms. Accommodation is in simple but comfortable rooms in small cabins and houses. (We apologize, but we cannot offer disabled facilities at the moment).

    Course participants have access to shower facilities, a washing machine, a small library of Dharma books to borrow during your retreat, a small Dharma bookstore and a small selection of snacks available for purchase.

  • Meals and drinks are included. Breakfast and two healthy and nutritious meals are served every day.

    All meals are either vegetarian or vegan, with vegan options when there is a vegetarian dinner.

    There is also a wheat and dairy free option for those with allergies.

    Please state in advance if you require a vegan or wheat-free diet.

    Tell us if you have severe allergies.

  • Bring sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers and towels (you can also rent these for NOK 150). Pillows and duvets are available for all rooms.

    Toiletries are a good idea to bring, a flashlight is good to bring in seasons where it would be necessary, warm clothes for winter including boots, gloves, hat, woolen socks and lighter clothes for summer.

    Bring a bathing suit if you wish to wear it. There is a sauna on the farm. You may also want to wear slippers.

    It may be a good idea to bring some cash to buy snacks, goods from the shop or to pay for pick-up or departure to the bus.

    We have meditation cushions and mats for loan, but you can also bring your own.

    There is a library of Buddhist books you can borrow.

    Course participants can meditate using cushions on the floor or sitting on a chair, you are free to choose what you find most comfortable.

  • This retreat take place at Gullnäsgården, which is a very beautiful and suitable place to do a retreat. It is located on the peaceful island of Tjärnö connected by a bridge, near Strømstad in Sweden. It takes 1.5 hours to drive from Oslo by car.

    Stiftelsen Gullnäsgården, Tjärnö, 45296 Strömstad, Website: www.gullnas.se

    Gullnäsgården is located in Nord-Bohuslän, on an island called Tjärnö, 10 km southwest of Strömstad, about 187 km north of Gothenburg, 99 km north of Uddevalla and 132 km south for Oslo. Follow the signs for Tjärnö, Saltö from the E6.

    To get to the course farm by car: 5 km south of Strömstad there is a road sign for Daftö, Öddö, Tjärnö and Saltö. Follow this road for 5 km. You pass over 2 large bridges and a small bridge. After the second large bridge, it is 1 km further. Just after some small red boathouses, just around the corner on the left is a sign for Gullnäsgården and you turn left here. Follow the signs to Gullnäsgården, and after about 100m you can park on the left and go to the main building to register.

    GPS coordinates: N 58 ° 53.217 'E 11 ° 1

    Public transport: It is also possible to take a bus from Oslo S to Strømstad and take a taxi (approx. 5km) from Strømstad to Gullnäsgården. We can pick you up from the bus stop if you let us know.

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Rest & Reflect Meditation Retreat
to 1 Sept

Rest & Reflect Meditation Retreat

  • Join us for a relaxing and uplifting retreat with meditations, discussions, nice vegetarian meals and walks in the beautiful area around Gullnäsgården, Strömstad.

    A rest and reflect retreat gives us a wonderful opportunity to stop, let go of our daily worries and recover vital energy. It is also a time to reflect upon our life, to consider what is important for us and if needed open our heart to positive changes.

    Life can become very hectic and before we know it we are carried along by the busyness, forgetting how important it is for our well being to take some real time out.

    This meditation retreat offers an opportunity to take a step back from the business of everyday life in order to rest and reflect in a natural and peaceful environment.

    Gullnäsgården is wonderful place by the sea on Tjärnö, in northern Bohuslän near Strömstad, next to the Kosterhavet Marine National Park.

    There will be five meditation sessions a day and enough time for relaxation, walks and exploring the wonderful nature around Gullnåsgarden.

    After this retreat you will feel re-energized and you will be ready to (re)-start loving yourself and others and improve your experience of a happy daily life.

  • Everyone is welcome

    The retreat is suitable for both beginners and people with more experience. You don’t need to identify as Buddhist to join.

    The retreat guided in English

  • In a busy and active everyday life, it can be difficult to find the peace and quiet that supports the development of a happy and peaceful mind. In order to find balance in life again, some retreat to peaceful and quiet surroundings for a short time to renew their energy and create a supportive environment for inner peace - in short, they go on retreat.

    On retreat, we devote time to meditation and reflection. It is a time to become familiar with positive and meaningful thoughts and the deep happiness that comes as a result of this exploration. When we focus our spiritual practice in this way, we begin to discover the natural clarity and spaciousness of the mind. This enables us to easily deepen our meditation practice.

    By practicing the systematic meditation exercises found in Buddhism, we develop inner wisdom, a warm and loving mind and the happiness of inner peace. Through these methods we will eventually achieve enlightenment.

    In short, retreat gives you the time and space to focus your mind on the happy and joyful states we all long for and experience for yourself the enormous benefits that can be gained from meditation practice. By working with your mind in such perfect conditions, the retreat is an ideal way to elevate your spiritual practice and daily life to a new level.

    Why go on retreat?

    The benefits of retreat are limitless and can hardly be expressed in words. Through training in concentration, the body and mind will become very supple and flexible, and we will experience a deep inner peace. Since the exercises are motivated by the desire to benefit both ourselves and others, our love grows and we develop loving thoughts for others.

    During the retreat we learn to understand our own mind and recognize which states of mind lead to happiness and which lead to suffering. Here we find the strength to overcome negative states of mind and to promote positive states of mind.

    When we are on retreat it is a particularly favorable time to receive deep inspiration. If we patiently practice meditation, the mind will gradually become more peaceful, and we will experience a sense of inner peace and contentment.

    As the turmoil of distracting thoughts subsides and our thoughts become quiet, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within.

  • To help us concentrate on our inner practice we will maintain silence in the mornings until lunch. 

    “When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within."

    Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, How to Transform Your Life.

  • During the retreat there is time every day to relax, cycle, canoe or walk in the beautiful forest.

    There is a library with books you can borrow to read as well as a bookstore.

    In order to run the course as best as possible, each participant also has one area they choose to help with on a daily basis, with washing up after meals or cleaning the hallway or the like.

    It is only a 5 minute walk to the nearest swimming at the boathouses where you can swim or watch the amazing sunsets.

    It is a short bike ride to sandy beaches and forest walks such as at Tjärnö church (2 km) and Salto nature reserve (5 km) with views of the Koster Islands and sunsets in the sea right in Koster Marine National Park.

  • Gen Kelsang Dragpa is the Resident Teacher at KMC Oslo & National Spiritual Director for the Nordic Region.

    He is a close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche- founder of the New Kadampa Tradition.

    He ordaind as a Kadampa Buddhist monk in 1993 & has for many years given practical & easy to understand teaching to the people of the modern world.

  • We offer a wide range of rooms and cabins at the retreat place, some with their own little kitchen corner, others just with a sink or just basic rooms. The premium rooms have access to the private bathrooms, other rooms share a bathroom in the main house and one additional ground floor of one of the cabins by the meditation room.

    Premium Single - 4500,-
    (new shared cabin or house with bathroom shared with a few others)

    Single room - 3950,-
    (room in either older cabin or main house bathroom shared with everyone)

    Premium Bed in Twin room - 3750,-
    (new shared cabin or house with bathroom shared with a few others)

    Bed in Twin room - 3240,-
    (room in either older cabin or main house bathroom shared with everyone)

    NO accomodation YES food - 2250,-
    (for locals, food included: lunch & dinner, teas&coffee whole day)

    NO accommodation NO food - 1575,-
    (for locals, no food; teas&coffee whole day)

from NOK 1,575.00
  • Don’t hasitate to contact us:
    + 47 45 05 19 28

  • Time-table


    Supper: 18:00-18:30

    Introduction: 19:00-20:00

    Friday - Saturday

    Breakfast - 07:30-9:00

    Session 1 - 08:00 -08:30

    Session 2 - 09:30-10:30

    Session 3 - 11:45-12:45

    Lunch - 13:00-13:30

    Session 4 - 16:30-17:45 (Q&A)

    Supper - 18:00-18:30

    Session 5 - 19:30-20:30


    Breakfast - 07:30-9:00

    Session 1 - 08:00 -08:30

    Last session - 09:30-10:30

    Cleaning & Packing - 10:30-12:00 Final clean & Departure - 12:00

  • Gullnäsgården is in a very scenic setting by the sea and lush greenery on the island of Tjärnö, about 10 km southwest of Stromstad, Sweden in the beautiful Bohuslän archipelago, next to the Kosterhavet Marine National Park. 

    The island is connected to the mainland by road bridges. It is 1.5 hours by car from Oslo. We offer simple and comfortable accommodation in the main house and a number of charming small cottages and converted barns.

    The farm is close to the sea, it is possible to borrow a bicycle, canoe or kayak. It is also possible to enjoy the sauna or swim in the sea. There are also great places where you can just sit and watch the still water or the sunset.

  • We have different types of accommodation. Single rooms with shared facilities, shared rooms. Accommodation is in simple but comfortable rooms in small cabins and houses. It is also possible to sleep in a tent or caravan if you prefer, but be aware that it can be cold. (We apologize, but we cannot offer disabled facilities at the moment).

    Course participants have access to shower facilities, a washing machine, a small library of Dharma books to borrow during your retreat, a small Dharma bookstore and a small selection of snacks available for purchase.

  • Meals and drinks are included. Breakfast and two healthy and nutritious meals are served every day.

    All meals are either vegetarian or vegan, with vegan options when there is a vegetarian dinner.

    There is also a wheat and dairy free option for those with allergies.

    Please state in advance if you require a vegan or wheat-free diet.

    Tell us if you have severe allergies.

  • Bring sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers and towels (you can also rent these for NOK 100). Pillows and duvets are available for all rooms.

    Toiletries are a good idea to bring, a flashlight is good to bring in seasons where it would be necessary, warm clothes for winter including boots, gloves, hat, woolen socks and lighter clothes for summer.

    Bring a bathing suit if you wish to wear it. There is a sauna on the farm. You may also want to wear slippers.

    It may be a good idea to bring some cash to buy snacks, goods from the shop or to pay for pick-up or departure to the bus.

    We have meditation cushions and mats for loan, but you can also bring your own.

    There is a library of Buddhist books you can borrow.

    Course participants can meditate using cushions on the floor or sitting on a chair, you are free to choose what you find most comfortable.

  • This retreat take place at Gullnäsgården, which is a very beautiful and suitable place to do a retreat. It is located on the peaceful island of Tjärnö connected by a bridge, near Strømstad in Sweden. It takes 1.5 hours to drive from Oslo by car.

    Stiftelsen Gullnäsgården, Tjärnö, 45296 Strömstad, Website: www.gullnas.se

    Gullnäsgården is located in Nord-Bohuslän, on an island called Tjärnö, 10 km southwest of Strömstad, about 187 km north of Gothenburg, 99 km north of Uddevalla and 132 km south for Oslo. Follow the signs for Tjärnö, Saltö from the E6.

    To get to the course farm by car: 5 km south of Strömstad there is a road sign for Daftö, Öddö, Tjärnö and Saltö. Follow this road for 5 km. You pass over 2 large bridges and a small bridge. After the second large bridge, it is 1 km further. Just after some small red boathouses, just around the corner on the left is a sign for Gullnäsgården and you turn left here. Follow the signs to Gullnäsgården, and after about 100m you can park on the left and go to the main building to register.

    GPS coordinates: N 58 ° 53.217 'E 11 ° 1

    Public transport: It is also possible to take a bus from Oslo S to Strømstad and take a taxi (approx. 5km) from Strømstad to Gullnäsgården. We can pick you up from the bus stop if you let us know.

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Mental detox with meditation
to 20 Aug

Mental detox with meditation

17.-20.08 - Retreat in Jotunheimen - Join us for a relaxing retreat with hikes in the Jotunheimen mountains, short talks and meditations (indoors and outdoors) , discussions & tasty vegetarian/vegan meals.

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Rest & Reflect
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Rest & Reflect

22.-25.06 - Join us for a relaxing retreat with meditations, discussions, nice vegetarian meals and walk in the beautiful area of Strömstad

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Easter Meditation Retreat
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Do you want to know how to find inner peace, develop concentration and learn how meditation can increase your happiness?

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Easter Meditation Retreat at Strømstad
to 18 Apr

Easter Meditation Retreat at Strømstad

14.-18.4. - Experience real peace in your heart through meditation. During this relaxing retreat at the beautiful Gullnåsgarden in Stromstad, Gen Cho will help us develop our own inner peace though meditations on the breath, on our own mind , on a mantra which are explained in the meditation series on MP3, Meditations for relaxation, Meditations for a Clear Mind and Meditations for a Kind Heart.

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Healing from the heart
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Healing from the heart

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Påske-retrett: Stillness from Within
to 12 Apr

Påske-retrett: Stillness from Within

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