For the first time at KMC Oslo we will be offering the opportunity to engage in a close retreat in which we recite the mantra of a specific Buddha, Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka, 100,000 times and finish with a Vajradaka fire puja (outside the Centre) where we recite 10.000 Vajradaka mantras.
Engaging in such a traditional retreat is a very powerful and beautiful practice. It is called a close retreat because when engaged in skillfully with wisdom, faith and the pure motivation of compassion, we draw closer to that Buddha, deepening our connection and enabling his or her enlightened qualities to grow stronger within us.
Together we will get closer and closer to our Spiritual Guide and we will create very powerful actions that will make Kadam Dharma flourish in our hearts and throughout the world. There is no better offering to repay the kindness of our Spiritual Guide.
This retreat is open to all, so those who want to join for some sessions during the day or evening, or in the weekends can do so without commitments.
If you want to attend the full close retreat see the heading under.
This retreat can be done as an actual close retreat, in which you must at least take part in two sessions a day, or you can participate in the retreat in a less formalized manner as part of your preliminary guide practice of Guru Yoga.
This retreat is mostly unguided, but for sessions where people new to the practice attend, Gen Dragpa can give some explanations on how to do the practice following the oral instructions which were shared during the 2022 NTK International Spring Festival in Málaga.
The full close retreat is for those who have received the empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa or have a wish to receive this as soon as possible.
To engage in a close retreat you will recite the mantra of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka, 100 000 times and finish with a Vajradaka fire puja (outside the Centre) where we recite 10 000 Vajradaka mantras.
To be able to do a full close retreat, you need to do at least 2 sessions per day.
Retreatants must maintain the same seat and location throughout the retreat (there is no prior preparation necessary for your seat).
Who can attend: Anyone can attend this part of the retreat, even if one has not done the counting retreat. Please let us know if you inted to join at
Friday 19- Saturday 20 January
The Center will provide you with the necessary materials for the fire puja (Vajradhaka's Burning Offering).
Necessary material:
A mala, a mala counter (a limited number is available at the center).
A metal pot (or other container that can withstand heat), wood chips, charcoal, a fire starter, a lighter and sesame seeds.
Location: Oslo (contact us for more info)
08:00 – 10:00 - 1st session
11:30 – 13:30 - 2nd session
13:00-13:30 - lunch
16:00 – 18:00 - 3rd session
18:15-18:45 - supper
19:30 – 21:00 - 4th session
Watch this video, Gen-la Dekyong introduces the retreats and explains the essential meaning of the practice. See the video
The following is some helpful inspiration for this retreat
At the 2022 NKT-IKBU International Spring Festival in Malaga, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong shared an important instruction from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. He asked Gen-la Dekyong to give the transmission and commentary of the mantra of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka, requesting practitioners of all New Kadampa Tradition centers to engage in retreat to collect 100,000 recitations of this mantra, as well as 10,000 Vajradaka mantras with burning offerings.
Gen-la Dekyong explained how this mantra is the very essence of the guru yoga of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka. By reciting this mantra with faith, a pure motivation, and strong conviction in the law of cause and effect we will place very strong potentials within our mind to easily accomplish all spiritual attainments. Venerable Geshe-la said, "This is magical."
This year you will have the opportunity to fulfil Venerable Geshe-la’s request and join a Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka counting retreat at Kadampa Meditation Centre Oslo. Not only will you receive great benefit for yourself, but as Venerable Geshe-la said, this retreat is a wishfulfilling jewel for the development of Kadam Dharma internationally.
The hundreds of deities of the Jouful Land according to Highest Yoga Tantra. More info