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Modern Buddhism - meditations for inner peace and happiness

  • Ås kulturhus - Store salong 1 Moerveien Ås, Viken, 1430 Norway (map)
  • Modern life can be challenging and many people experience stress and sometimes also feel discouraged.

    In these classes Gen Dragpa and Vemund will present practical methods taken from Buddha's teachings to help us reduce our stress, anxiety and other obstacles and increase our inner peace and happiness.

    Each class is self contained, and includes two guided meditations, a short prayer, a talk and the opportunity to ask questions and discuss.

    Everybody is welcome, no previous experience is necessary. 

    • 16.08. Modern Buddhism, a practical approach to inner peace and happiness. (Gen Dragpa - Eng.)

    • 20.09. We are all equal (Gen Dragpa - Eng).

    • 18.10. Indre beskyttelse (Vemund - no.)

    • 08.11. The healing practice of taking and giving (Gen Dragpa - Eng.)

    • 06.12. Finding freedom through Buddhist philosophy - the true nature of reality (Gen Dragpa - Eng.)

    • Gen Kelsang Dragpa is the Resident Teacher at Kadampa meditasjonssenter Oslo, and National Spiritual Director for the Nordic Region.

      He has been practising and teaching Kadampa Buddhism for many years and has been an ordained monk since 1993.

      His way of teaching is very practical and easy to understand.

    • 18:00-19:30

      Vennligst prøv å komme 10 min før kurset starter for å registrere deg

    • Course in English

    • Alle er velkomne

    • Passer for alle, uavhengig av tidligere erfaring.

    • Hvordan skal jeg kle meg til timen? Ingen spesielle klær er nødvendig. Kom som du er.

    • Hva må jeg ha med til timen? Ingenting! Men hvis du ønsker å ta notater, vennligst ta med penn og notatblokk.

    • Frequently asked questions

NOK 140.00
12 August

Free: Modern Buddhism - a practical approach to a happy life

17 August

The best is yet to come