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Modern Buddhism - a practical approach to a happy life

  • Kadampa Meditasjonssenter Oslo 26 Majorstuveien Oslo, 0367 Norway (map)
  • Buddha's teachings and meditations to guide living beings to pure happiness were introduced in this world 2500 years ago. These methods were not only appropriate for the people of that time but also for this busy, past paced modern word. These methods for gaining inner peace and happiness are as valid today as they were then.

    If we read, contemplate and meditate on the inspiring explanations how to be free from problems from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, founder of the New Kadampa Tradition IKBU (International Kadampa Buddhist Union), we will experience a steady increase in our inner qualities and feeling of wellbeing.

    Anyone can receive benefits from these practical ways of positive thinking, you don't need to be a Buddhist to experience these benefits.

    • Gen Kelsang Dragpa is the Resident Teacher at Kadampa meditasjonssenter Oslo, and National Spiritual Director for the Nordic Region.

      He has been practising and teaching Kadampa Buddhism for many years and has been an ordained monk since 1993.

      His way of teaching is very practical and easy to understand.

    • Session 1: 10:00-11:30

    • Session 2: 12:00-13:30

      Please try to arrive 10 min before the course starts to register

    • Course in English

      Everyone welcome

      Suitable to all levels of experience.

    • How should I dress for class?
      No special clothing is required. Come as you are.

    • What do I need to bring to class?
      Nothing! But if you wish to take notes, please bring a pen and notepad.

      Frequently asked questions

Half-day course
NOK 350.00

This course is included in our GP-membership. Become a member for 530 kr a month. More info

23 March

Hva skjer når vi dør?

6 April

Åpent hus / Open House